You May Visit Ms. Griffin
Friday, April 1, 2022 – Noon – 8:00pm
The Lowery Suite at Tree of Life
1051 S. Handley Drive – Fort Worth, Texas
The Celebration of Life
Saturday, April 2, 2022 – 11:00am
New Fellowship Church of Fort Worth
5420 Flamingo Road – Fort Worth, Texas
She Shall Rest
My Dear Friend I’m going to miss our meet ups at Walmart. Us talking in the lines all the way out to the parking lot. You were an absolute sweet soul and will be truly missed. My condolences to her family.
To my beautiful friend. We have known each other for over 35 years and we still stayed in touch. I am gonna miss you and our brunch/lunch dates. I am so glad that we always expressed how much we loved each other at the end of our phone calls and visits. You were truly a real friend. Until we meet again, rest in heaven friend.
Karla Hooks-Cameron
20 years of friendship and sisterhood I’m gonna miss everything about you me and nevaeh and Tristan will always hold you close to our heart.love always nikki