You May Visit Mr. Bates
Friday, June 4, 2021 – Noon – 8:00pm
The Lowery Suite at Tree of Life
1051 S. Handley Drive – Fort Worth, Texas
The Celebration of Life
Saturday, June 5, 2021 – 11:00am
The Ruby Chapel at Tree of Life
1051 S. Handley Drive – Fort Worth, Texas
Thine Earthly Bed of Rest
Thursday, June 10, 2021 – 1:00pm
Hillcrest Memory Gardens
Spencer, Oklahoma
To the family of Bruce was my classmate at star Spencer high school, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Very nice person rih.
Our condolences to the Bates family. Bruce was a very kind classmate to us. Wishing the Bates family peace and comfort in this trying time. (Alfred, Vickie, and Stephen Ross)
My condolences to the Bruce Bates family. God bless you Bruce and family I love you very much. I am praying for the family that God‘s will will be done in your lives. Love and concern, Michael Bates
Look to the hills for strength and comfort, Bruce will be missed 😢Jesus said he would never leave us. Be encourage family you are in my thoughts and prayers 🙏 Patrice Williams
Praying for you and your family. May GOD give you and your family the comfort and strength you need during this difficult time. Your family, my family. Remember that GOD is…
Our condolences to the Bates family. You will always have a special place in our hearts. We will continue to pray for GOD’S strength and HIS blessings. We love you!!! (The Lornes family and Nazarene Baptist Church)
My condolences to the entire Bates Family. Our families have been intertwined all of our lives. Please know you are in our prayers and we love you. May God give you strength during this time!
Our heartfelt condolences and prayers to the Bates Family. As we Reflect on the Beautiful Memories of our Cousin Bruce, who had such a gentle and quiet spirit. May God comfort, and strengthen your hearts during this difficult time. We love you!! Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Ronda Kay Jackson
Our sincerest condolences to the Bates Family. The Bates Family is an extension of our family. He is a beautiful soul gone too soon. He will be sorely missed. Our prayers of comfort and heart peace to everyone.
Prayers of comfort and peace to the Bates Family.. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.. Met Bruce many years ago at work.. such a kind and quiet spirit! Super nice man! Then years later met the sisters and saw that the goodness run in the family, Doris and Ree. Love to all!
Family of Bruce, I always loved being in class with Bruce. He always called me Pratt and he always told me I was a trip. He always made me smile.
You were always such a kind gentle soul. Your parents raise some wonderful blessings they simply called children. I will continue to pray for your wife and family. Love you
Erma Ford
My condolences to the family. I had the privilege to work with Bruce for many years. No matter what the challenge he was always positive and a real pleasure to work with.
Rest In Peace my friend.
Bruce was classmate of mine very sweet person.
Will be sadly miss.
So saddened to hear of Bruce’s passing..We were classmates at Soencer HS and he was so smart..so cool and a good friend. Praying for Bruce’s family.