Wonderful, Beautiful, Remarkable, Strong, Funny, loyal, kind, Serious, are some of the words I think of whenever I think about Linda, She was all that and more, she’ll be missed by many, please accept my deepest Condolences during this difficult time, “Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning”~Psalm30:5 Prayers and Thoughts to the entire Family.
Mary jane Lindsey
I meet her a few time very beautiful Lady inside and out. So sorry for you’ll loss. I’m praying for Chris and his family. May God bless you’ll and keep you in this time .Our heart go out to you in your time sorrow.
Precious Johnson
Praying for the family so sorry for your loss i wanted to make sure I send my condolences to you all absent from the body is to be present with the Lord losing someone is never easy just trust in the lord for your strength during this time God bless
Lois Norice
My condolences to the Booker family, may God continue to bless and strengthen all of you. “Forget not your mother’s teaching.” Chris you are the oldest, l pray that you will take the lead now. God will guide you and lead you in the way that you should go. Much love Lois Norice ππΎππΎππΎ
Lois Norice
My condolences to the Booker family, may God continue to bless and strengthen all of you. “Forget not your mother’s teaching.” Chris you are the oldest, l pray that you will take the lead now. God will guide you and lead you in the way that you should go. Much love Lois Norice ππΎππΎππΎ February 15, 3023
Karen Owens
Sorry for the loss of your mother. Until we meet again my dear friend.
Wonderful, Beautiful, Remarkable, Strong, Funny, loyal, kind, Serious, are some of the words I think of whenever I think about Linda, She was all that and more, she’ll be missed by many, please accept my deepest Condolences during this difficult time, “Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning”~Psalm30:5 Prayers and Thoughts to the entire Family.
I meet her a few time very beautiful Lady inside and out. So sorry for you’ll loss. I’m praying for Chris and his family. May God bless you’ll and keep you in this time .Our heart go out to you in your time sorrow.
Praying for the family so sorry for your loss i wanted to make sure I send my condolences to you all absent from the body is to be present with the Lord losing someone is never easy just trust in the lord for your strength during this time God bless
My condolences to the Booker family, may God continue to bless and strengthen all of you. “Forget not your mother’s teaching.” Chris you are the oldest, l pray that you will take the lead now. God will guide you and lead you in the way that you should go.
Much love Lois Norice ππΎππΎππΎ
My condolences to the Booker family, may God continue to bless and strengthen all of you. “Forget not your mother’s teaching.” Chris you are the oldest, l pray that you will take the lead now. God will guide you and lead you in the way that you should go.
Much love Lois Norice ππΎππΎππΎ
February 15, 3023
Sorry for the loss of your mother. Until we meet again my dear friend.